Biography Richard is an English actor, known for playing diverse character roles, on stage, Film and TV. Ranging from psychological drama, as the hit man Gus, alongside Michael O'Hagan as Ben in Harold Pinter's "The Dumb Waiter" directed by award winning director Patrick Dromgoole, to comedy, as Troy Hudson the fading soap star alongside Paul Rodriguez, in Tom Musca's "Chateau Vato". Richard studied Theater Arts and Music in Birmingham England, going on to work with local drama companies. In the United States under the mentor-ship of personal acting coach, Michael O’Hagan, he studied Stanislavski, Meisner, and Uta Hagan, as well as working with Eric Morris protégé Anthony Vincent Bova in New York. Born in the village of Marston Green, Warwickshire in 1960. Richard traveled the world as a professional photographer. Then later, as a bar and night club owner, he settled in the USA and returned to acting. Richard is an avid scuba diver, marine conservationist and Birmingham City F.C. fanatic!
Copyright © Richard Haylor 2024
Copyright © Richard Haylor 2024
Biography Richard is an English actor, known for playing diverse character roles, on stage, Film and TV. Ranging from psychological drama, as the hit man Gus, alongside Michael O'Hagan as Ben in Harold Pinter's "The Dumb Waiter" directed by award winning director Patrick Dromgoole, to comedy, as Troy Hudson the fading soap star alongside Paul Rodriguez, in Tom Musca's "Chateau Vato". Richard studied Theater Arts and Music in Birmingham England, going on to work with local drama companies. In the United States under the mentor-ship of personal acting coach, Michael O’Hagan, he studied Stanislavski, Meisner, and Uta Hagan, as well as working with Eric Morris protégé Anthony Vincent Bova in New York. Born in the village of Marston Green, Warwickshire in 1960. Richard traveled the world as a professional photographer. Then later, as a bar and night club owner, he settled in the USA and returned to acting. Richard is an avid scuba diver, marine conservationist and Birmingham City F.C. fanatic!